negativna ukrštena rezistentnost
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Termin: negativna ukrštena rezistentnost
Definicija: povećana osetljivost herbicidno otpornih biotipova korova na neke herbicide sa drugim načinima delovanja ili drugih puteva razgradnje
Nadređeni koncept: Interakcija herbicida i biljaka biljna proizvodnja i zaštita bilja poljoprivreda
Bibliografija :

Prevention and management of herbicide resistant weeds in rice: Experiences from Central America with Echinochloa colona., Valverde, B., Riches, Ch., Caseley, J., 2000.

Termin: negative cross-resistance
Definicija: is the increased susceptibility of a herbicide resistant biotype to some herbicides with other modes of action or degradation pathways
Sinonimi: ---

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