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Termin: dezinfekcija
Definicija: Dezinfekcija predstavlja postupak upotrebe hemijskih i fizičkih agenasa u cilju uništavanja vegetativnih ćelija mikroorganizama, izuzev endospora
Nadređeni koncept: sanitacija prehrambenih pogona prehrambena tehnologija poljoprivreda
Bibliografija :

Brackett, R. E. 1992: Shelf Stability and Safety of Fresh Produced as Influenced by Sanitation and Disifection. Journal of Food Protection, 55, 808-814., ,

Termin: Disinfection
Definicija: Disifection is a procedure for the usage of chemical and physical agents to destroy the vegetative cells of microorganisms, with the exception of endospores.
Sinonimi: ---

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